- Pack

Upgrade your Creality hotend and DDX Direct Drive eXtruder with a full genuine Mosquito™ Magnum hotend to PHase 3.
NOTE: Nozzle not included!
Upgrade your Creality hotend and DDX Direct Drive eXtruder with a full genuine Mosquito™ Magnum hotend to PHase 3.
Turn your Creality hotend into an all-metal.
Stop the issues created by the PTFE deformation when using temperatures above 220° C.
Improve the heat dissipation capacity and melt flow.
Use even shorter retractions.
Gain high speed, high flow performance with the Mosquito Magnum.
Stock nozzles will not fit this hot block. You need to upgrade the nozzles to the RepRap standard : M6x1x7.5×12.5
This DDX set is the right configuration to upgrade the stock hotend to PHase 3, with an original Mosquito™ hotend on any Creality using the Bondtech DDX Direct Drive eXtruder.
Product is supplied with a Bi-metallic structure reinforced Mosquito™ Magnum hotend, a PA6 Laser Sintered DDX Adapter for Mosquito™, and a Brass Thermistor Adapter.
When changing nozzles with this hotend there is no need to immobilise the hot block before twisting the nozzle. You can screw in, or unscrew, the nozzles without holding the hot block steady, when using the recommended Torque Wrench.
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