Duet3D offers this high power Duet 3 expansion board that features 3x 6.3A stepper drivers, 3 high current heaters, 6 fans and much more.
Learn More at Duet's Hardware Overview here
The Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC is a fully featured, high power controller for 3d printers, CNC machines and more. With 6 high current stepper drivers, 4 high current loads, 6 fans and more IO on board it can control many machines directly, with the ability to add much more capability through CAN-FD connected expansion boards.
The Duet 3 family allows for maximum flexibility of machine design through highly capable main boards, expansion boards, tool boards and custom expansion modules. This advanced hardware is enabled by our innovative RepRapFirmware 3 firmware running on the Duet 3 Mainboard and optionally DuetSoftwareFramework running on a single board computer.
Duet 3 3HC Controller Board
Connector Kit (Including Crimp Sockets)
Powerful 32bit Atmel ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller running at up to 120MHz
CAN-FD BUS for connection to Duet 3 Mainboards (compatible with the Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC and the Duet 3 Mini 5+)
3x TMC2160/5160 high-current drivers with the latest Trinamic features. Maximum motor current 6.3A peak per phase (4.45A RMS)
3x5A PWM outputs for extruders and similar
6 PWM controllable outputs for fans or similar. 3 of these support 4 wire fans including tacho reading
6 I/O connectors with 3.3V output signal level and 30V-tolerant inputs.
3 thermistor/PT1000 inputs. Support for two temperature daughterboards for up to 4 PT100 or thermocouple sensors.
12-48V v1.02 and later; 12-32V v1.01 and earlier
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