Bondtech DDX Bed Rod Holder Set for Ender 5 Plus


This Bed Rod Holder was designed for the Creality Ender-5 Plus only. To use the Bondtech DDX on this machine without losing print area, it is necessary to lower the original bed holder top surface by fitting this kit.

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Bondtech DDX Bed Rod Holder Set for Ender 5 Plus

Without this optional add-on to the DDX, users with an Ender 5 Plus will lose around 30mm of X axis travel on the right side of the machine. Users that have equipped their DDX with a Slice Engineering hot end will also lose an additional 30mm of X axis travel on the left side of the machine.

To use the Bondtech DDX on this machine without losing print area, it is necessary to lower the original bed holder top surface by fitting this kit.


  • 4x 10079-81 DDX Bed Rod Holder

SLS printed in PA12 for a lifetime of use.

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