- Pack

A collaboration between KB3D and ICONIC FAB, this BOM kit for the Stealth Press heat set insert system is both configurable and creator approved!
Printed parts files, assembly manual and more on Printables Here!
Stealth Press is a highly precise, mostly printed DIY heat set insert tool for generic, TS100/101, and Pinecil soldering irons.
There are multiple projects like this available for free download and build. Most of them rely on Misumi standard 2020 or 4020 extrusions to provide precision which adds extra cost, time, and complexity to the build.
Stealth Press build relies on precision provided by 300mm MGN12H linear rail instead which provides a stable spine to build every other component around it.
Integrated, printable build plate adds another critical element for precision and easiness to work with.
Stealth press uses KEY-BAK key reel with kevlar belt loop to ensure longevity (proven to last more than 1 million pulls) and has some other quirks, features, and QoL improvements compared to similar projects.
(1) KB3D MGN12H Z1 Preload Linear Rail + Carriage - 300mm
(1) Key-Bak Super48 36" (13oz)
(4) F695-2RS ABEC-7 Ball Bearings
1. Add a high quality ABS printed parts kit from Bounty3D!
2. None
1. Add a fastener kit with all of the required hardware for the build!
2. DIGITAL PRODUCT - Assembly manual for Dremel Add-On
3. Add a fastener kit with all of the required hardware for the Dremel Add-on!
4. Add a fastener kit with all of the required hardware for the Drawer Add-on!
1. Add a MiniWare TS101 Iron!
2. Add a CNCKitchen Heatset Insert Adapter kit for the TS100/TS101 irons
3. Don't have linear rail lube? Add it here
4. Add a CNCKitchen Heatset Insert Adapter kit for the Weller PT & ET irons
5. Add a CNCKitchen Heatset Insert Adapter kit for Standard irons
6. Add an LDO Heaset Insert Adapter for (M3 Only) inserts (standard irons)
7. Pick up some spare heatset inserts for all of the projects you'll do with your new tool!
8. An assortment of insert sizes for all of the projects you'll do with your new tool!
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