Bondtech's LGX Lite for Stealthburner offers dozens of options for integration into your current or next Voron Printer. Our configurator makes sourcing everything you need easy!
This is a configurable product! Please read the notes below as you build out your selections!
Bondtech's LGX Lite for Stealthburner offers dozens of options for integration into your current or next Voron Printer. Our configurator makes sourcing everything you need easy!
Required products regardless of your configuration
Option 1: Main Body - Replaced Clockwork 2 Housing for use with LGX Lite
Products that you may already have
Option 1: KB3D Hardware kit for installation of all variants - NOTE: Does not include entire Stealthburner Hardware BOM; Only fasteners beyond the standard BOM
Option 2: None
If you already have an LGX lite to use, select "none."
Option 1: Bondtech LGX Lite - Complete with motor
Option 2: None
LGX Lite for Stealthburner offers standard 5015 and CPAP high performance part cooling options.
Option 1: Stealthburner Front for 5015 - Select for use with standard 5015 blower fan part cooling
Option 2: Stealthburner Front for CPAP - Select for use with CPAP high performance part cooling
*Option 3: Stealthburner CPAP Mount - Select for use with CPAP high performance part cooling
*Option 4: Stealthburner CPAP Component Kit - Select for use with CPAP high performance part cooling
* Selection based on previous choices
Choose between SLS or FDM Printed Hot End Mounts
Option 1: Bondtech 3 Piece mount for Mosquito and Mosquito Magnum - SLS Printed in PA12
Option 2: Your choice of 2 piece FDM Printed Hot End Mount - FDM Printed in ABS or PA12+CF
Option 3: None
Add a fully integrated Nozzle Camera to your tool head!
Option 1: Nozzle Camera Module Bracket - Select to add a nozzle Camera
*Option 2: Nozzle Camera Holder - Select to add a nozzle Camera
*Option 3: 4k Nozzle Camera Kit - Select to add a nozzle Camera
*Option 4: Nozzle Camera USB Cable - Select to add a nozzle Camera - Choose your cable length!
Option 5: None
* Selection based on previous choices
Reduce your in-motion wire count with a purpose built CAN component kit!
Option 1: Bondtech EBB36 CAN Bus Kit for LGX Lite for Stealthburner - Includes modified PCB Cover
Option 2: Standard Bondtech PCB Cover for use with standard Toolhead PCBs
Other product you may need when installing your new kit
Option 1: Rainbow Barf tool head LED harness (pre-wired) - For use with all configurations
Option 2: Delta 5015 Blower Fan - For use with 5015 part cooling configurations
Option 3: Sunon 4010 Cooling Fan - For use with all configurations (Hot End Cooling)
Option 4: Linneo machined LED Diffuser - For use with all configurations
Option 5: Hartk Stealthburner Toolhead PCB - For use when EBB36 CAN kit is not selected