Options shipping from KB3D:
1.5kW Spindle + VFD @ 110/120V
2.2kW Spindle + VFD @ 110/120V
2.2kW Spindle + VFD @ 220V
Options shipping from LDO: (30-40 DAY DELIVERY)
1.5kW Spindle + VFD @ 110/120V
SPECIAL NOTE: KB3D is offering higher power spindles and VFD's for Milo builders! Here's Why:
1. 33% more power for wider or deeper cuts - and still supported by standard residential outlets/circuits
2. ER20 collets can accept a wider range of tooling widths
3. No additional configuration or tooling changes - still accepts the end mills that come with your kit!
Millennium Machine Github here
Printed Parts Guide here
Wiring Guide here
BOM and LDO Documentation here
Based on the OpenBuilds MiniMill, the Millennium Machines Milo is an open-source project for DIYers to create a reliable, low cost and powerful desktop CNC mill on their own terms. The mill is designed to have the ability to cut aluminum but is also capable of cutting a vast range of softer materials such as composites, woods and plastics.
All components needed to build a Milo aside from those noted below
Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Z Axis Reinforcement
Pre-Tapped full size fixture plate
CNC Starter Kit with a walkthrough for your first cuts
- (1) Magnetic Articulated Dial Indicator Stand
- (1) Dial Indicator (Multi Axis)
- (2) 1-2-3 Blocks
- (2) ER 16 Collets (3mm & 6mm)
- (3) Shim Packs (Set of 10 each) 0.01mm, 0.05mm, 0.1mm
- (2) 3mm Single Flute DLC Endmill
- (1) 6mm Single Flute DLC Endmill (12mm DOC)
- (1) 6mm Single Flute DLC Endmill (22mm DOC)
- (1) 6mm 3 Flute DLC Chamfer Tool
- (1) 3mm Single Flute DLC Ball Endmill
Printed Parts
Specific References
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