Blackbox ToolChanger Kit - CE - Configurable

$2,450.00 - $3,800.00

Meet Blackbox - An extremely capable open source tool changing platform. The community edition is configurable with up to 5 water cooled tools and your choice of hot end options.

The new configurator is live!

Quantity Ready To Ship


Blackbox Toolchanger Kit - CE - Community Edition

See the dedicated wiki here

Visit the GitHub page here

Blackbox is a fully open source design years in the making. Proven results over multiple iterations creates a solid foundation for a community driven machine limited only by our imaginations.

What is the "Community Edition?"

The community edition is a standard Blackbox build optimized for ease-of-assembly and accessibility. It follows the original BOM, assembly guide, and CAD models.

Enjoy the fruits of our labor over the last 12 months in an effort to bring you an easy sourcing experience without the added cost of shipping from dozens of vendors!

Want to see details on a particular item included in this kit? All of these products are listed separately here at KB3D!



300x300x275(Z) build area - Extremely Space efficient machine size vs build size when compared to other Tool Changers

CoreXY Motion System - Intuitive belt routing with easy to use tensioning system.

Belt Driven Z-Axis - Extremely fast belted Z axis with counterweight system.

Tool-Changing - Up to 5 chassis mounted tools

  - FDM = Up to 5 direct drive FDM tool heads with excellent positional accuracy via kinematic coupling. Support for multiple hot end configurations.

Unique X-axis mounted extruder motor saves cost and complexity

Silicone nozzle wiping and sealing

Enclosure - Fully enclosed build volume (Hood Coming Soon)

REPRAP - Designed in the spirit of Reprap utilizing easily obtainable and 3D printable parts.

Water Cooling - Passive water cooling of all tools at all times in addition to a passively cooled extruder stepper

Fully automated tool offset configuration using the late Danal Estes TAMV alignment system run from a Raspberry Pi.

Heated Bed - Mains heated and ultra flat with options for embedded magnets


Wiring - Designed with clean and functional wiring in mind

Duet 3 Electronics

Automatic Bed Leveling and Z-Offset Calibration

24V, 12V and 5V power sources for extreme flexibility

Blackstop Hall Effect Sensors

Tool lock position end stop - never drop a tool!

This machine looks intimidating, can I build one?

Yes, but maybe. Blackbox has some new (to most) design elements that will push you to learn about systems you may not have dealt with before. In general though, the recommendations from other DIY printer build communities translate well. Those are typically as follows:

  • This probably shouldn’t be your first 3D printer. There are always exceptions, but the experience you have will likely lean on your previously acquired skills from using and maintaining other machines.
  • Despite our best efforts to guide you along, every machine will be different. From the quality of the printed parts to the nuances of your particular configuration. You should be comfortable with the fact that your attention to detail and where-with-all will determine the final product.
  • If you’re like most, you will learn a ton, and probably pick up some new tools to make your life easier. Learning takes time, and so will your build. This is not an 8 hour build!

We have a well-established community full of friendly, helpful, and skilled members that can help you with any hurdles along the way. The documentation at Git and the Wiki (linked above)will be your number one resource for nearly everything.


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